
Suppresses or enables updating the specified palette if it is currently displayed.

Command constructor

PSuppressPalDraw(ePalette cPalette, PMBool bState);
ePalette cPalette;
kStylePalette for the Style palette (these constants are defined in PKeywords.h)
kColorPalette for the Colors palette
kControlPalette for the Control Palette
kMasterPalette for Master Page palette
PMBool bState;
false to enable palette updating
true to suppress updating the palette
Caution: Always reenable palette updating. If you suppress palette updating, always reenable it before your plug-in or script finishes. The PSuppressPalDraw command has no menu equivalent; you must turn palette updating back on using this command.

Flickering palette. If a palette is already set to be updated and you send the command to update it, PageMaker redraws the palette, causing it to flicker.

Example. The following example suspends the updating of the Control Palette.

PSuppressPalDraw(kControlPalette, true);

See also

The PColorPalette, PControlPalette, PMasterPagePalette, and PStylePalette commands

The PGetSuppressPalDraw query

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